Hi everyone! Remember me? It's been a while, a loooong while! I guess I should explain myself.... First off, life is great, just crazy. We are doing a big house remodel, getting ready for the baby, yep, I'm pregnant! Baby number two is expected to show up Valentine's Day:-) Also I know I mentioned before I got a new job, well I'm taking some classes (2) on top of that. So between a 2 yr old, baby on the way, full time job, 2 classes and a house remodel, I've been a little busy! I really miss you guys and my blog! To be honest I haven't had my fingers polished in months! I tried to juggle things and keep posting at first, but I ended up feeling guilty all the time that something was getting neglected. So a little break was necessary. I won't be back full time yet, but I wanted to let you guys know I will be trying to post occasionally and eventually get back on track. I understand that some of you have dropped me from hour blog rolls, I get it, I've been a bit of an absentee blogger!

Anywhozzle, today I thought I'd share my mani. It's NYC Sidewalks & Sally Hansen Multi Faceted. These pics were shot on my phone at work so fingers crossed that they come out! I like this, sidewalks is one of my favorite med grey cremes. It has great coverage in 2 coats. Multi Faceted is fun, I like the color combination. Black,silver, and iridescent hex glitter, all the same size. The glitter is suspended in a clear base that doesn't alter the base at all. This is shown with one coat. I tried Out the Door instead of my usual Seche Vite, and so far do good, although I do see some bubbles. I'm not sure who to blame that on quite yet....
So it was nice being back! Hope you guys understand! I'll try and get back into the swing of things soon. Muah!
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I love this! It looks a bit of a minty green grey online... is that how it is in real life too?